High-Grade Flour is wheat flour which is composed of fine-grained endosperm particles (0.1-0.2 mm) and preferably of the inner layers of the endosperm.
Distinguishing feature of High-Grade wheat flour is its structure. If rub flour on the fingers you will not feel any single grains in compare with First Grade Wheat Flour.
High-grade wheat flour has white color with a slightly creamy tint. It contains a fairly low percentage of gluten. There is the best category flour called "Extra" or "Premium".
High-grade wheat flour inherent good baking properties. Products made from this flour is well raised and have a crumb with a fine-developed porosity. It is recommended to use this flour for making yeast, puff and shortcrust pastry as well as to add to sauces. For more information on quality indicators of these products you can check by contacting us.