Sunflower meal is a by-product formed during the production of oil from sunflower.
Sunflower meal is a result of pressed seeds from oil crops without oil which is pressed from it. In the agricultural sector it is an ingredient for animal feed, a valuable product for animal protein diet with a high concentration (40%) and fat. Recommended for use in livestock, fisheries and poultry.
Sunflower meal contains proteins that content much more of lysine, methionine, tryptophan, and cysteine than proteins of cereals. Sunflower meal has always a certain amount of residual oil (15%) and it is not comparable with feed. It is much less oxidized, more saturated by phospholipids, beta-carotene and vitamin E.
The value of this product as a feed for farm animals is beneficial effect on metabolism, a set of fat mass, rapid growth of young animals. Sunflower meal has also general therapeutic effect. Feed supplemented with the meal should be used for feeding all of the animals due to its high protein content (more than cereals). The energy value and nutrients provide a high residue mass fraction of fat in the sunflower meal (7-10%). In addition sunflower meal with a low degree of oxidation contains phospholipids and vitamin E.
Sunflower meal quality depends not only from extraction technology but also from the initial quality of sunflower seed.
Delivery by railroad and maritime transport.
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